Our History
A History of the Hills District RSL Sub Branch 1934 – 1984 – J.A Nash (Hills District Memorial Club)
The Galston Club started in the premises of the Galston Union Church Hall.
The Union Church Hall in Galston was established in 1894. The site was donated and the original building erected without cost as both materials and labour were donated.
The hall was used for various purposes in conjunction with the churches (Church of England, Methodist & Presbyterian) and was for many years the headquarters of the Loyal Orange Lodge organisation.
The hall gradually fell into disuse over the years until November 1952 when Hills District Sub Branch President Ken White, Secretary Ray Sedger and Ted Burgess approached Hornsby Shire Council to obtain use of the old disused Unity Hall on Arcadia Road Galston.
In August 1953 a motion moved by John Rorke and seconded by Ted Burgess decided to call it the Hills District Service Club. A committee was formed, with Eric Kelly, Ben Phillips, Ron Crane, Ted Burgess and Ken White the first members. A month later John Rorke was appointed the sixth member.
The club house was built on and around the foundations and walls of the Unity Hall, volunteers from the Sub – Branch and district supplying labour. Building went on for about three years with progress being made as finances permitted.
In October 1956 construction reached stage where building was ready for use.
Extensions were made to the original structure over the next 11 years, and while not as licensed club as such, it became a meeting place for RSL members and local residents alike, serving as a venue for BBQ’s, bowls and social functions. By the middle of the 1960’s it had become apparent to the executive that it would be necessary to form a licensed club, both to ensure the survival of the place and to enable it to better cater to the needs of an ever increasing and urbanised population. A recruiting drive was made throughout the Galston district to gather members. Well known identity, Kevin Banks, was prominent in the direction, touring the area in his car to sign up as many as possible.
By the end of 1967 the necessary licensing law requirements had been fulfilled and the Club was officially granted a license on the 27th November 1967 with the opening on the 2nd Dec 1967. An inaugural commemoration was held on the 16th March 1968 to celebrate the official opening with the new name of the Hills District Memorial Club.
First committee members were: Ted Burgess (President), Ernie Wickson, Jack Barrett, Les King, Elly Elsholz, Kevin Banks, Maxwell Weymouth, Louis Heather, Leonard Etherington and Henry Black.
When the club first got its license William Hayes used to travel to the Tooheys and Reschs breweries and pick up the kegs and long neck bottles for the club as no one would deliver to the club. William Hayes did this until 1973.
At a meeting at the Hills District Memorial Club by the sports council in Feb 1969 the minutes recorded that the sports council would enter teams in the local soccer competition and Hills Hawks was started.
In the early 70’s there were many social events and dances organised including Dance Ball’s at the Harvey Lowe Pavilion in Castle Hill.
On 29th June 1971 the club was officially incorporated as a public company. A Sports and Social council was formed in June 1968 to foster and support sport and the social activities within the scope of the club. Sports included Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Darts, Indoor Bowls, Golf, Table Tennis, Cricket and Euchre.
In April 2000 the decision was made to change the trading name of the club to The Galston Club.
The club underwent major renovations in 1994 and again in 1999.